The Rehab Owners Community (ROC) offers a platform for rehab owners and operators to share best practices related to managing behavioral health treatment programs, as well as opportunities to expand their national brand and ultimately increase their impact on the individuals they serve.
“Hansei” means to reflect on the past, learn from mistakes, and do better in the future. We believe successful collaboration can make anything possible through effective leadership. By driving the Rehab Owners Community, it’s our mission to bring people together in the shared desire to elevate the behavioral health industry.
The ROC serves as a dynamic and collaborative platform for rehab owners and operators to come together and share their knowledge, experiences, and insights related to revenue cycle management, marketing strategies, operational efficiency, human resource management, and other key business areas.
The ROC hosts Monthly ‘Mastermind Meetings’, which offer an exceptional opportunity for rehab owners and operators to connect, collaborate, and learn from one another. These meetings provide a supportive and collaborative environment for members to share their current challenges and successes, receiving feedback and support from their peers.
The ROC partners with various organizations to provide members with access to a wide range of CE-based events, including webinars, online courses, and live workshops. These events offer a way for members to earn continuing education credits, expand their knowledge and skills, and stay up-to-date with the latest research and best practices in the field.