Hansei Team Spotlight: Meet the Marketing Team

Learn more about Hansei’s Marketing Team and how they impact medical and mental healthcare.

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Hansei Team Spotlight: Meet the Marketing Team

What is a Marketing Team?

Marketing, by definition, is the activity or business of promoting and selling products or services – including market research and advertisement. Hansei’s marketing team plays a crucial role in attracting and retaining customers, driving sales, and helping Hansei achieve its goals. Here are some common responsibilities of our marketing team:


Hansei Team Spotlight: Meet the Marketing Team

  • Market Research: Hansei’s marketing team conducts research to understand our target audience, competitors, and industry trends. This will help us develop effective marketing strategies.
  • Strategic Planning: Based on research findings, our team develops marketing plans and strategies to reach the target audience and achieve business goals.
  • Brand Development:Our talented marketing team works together to build and maintain Hansei’s brand identity, which includes content creation, graphic design, hosting both in-person and virtual events, and overall brand messaging.
  • Advertising: Members of the marketing team create and execute advertising campaigns across various channels such as traditional media, digital platforms, and social media to reach potential customers.
  • Content Creation: They also develop engaging content such as blog posts, articles, videos, infographics, and social media posts to attract and retain our customers’ interest.
  • Digital Marketing: Digital marketing efforts conducted by our marketing team includes activities such as search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, email marketing, and social media marketing to increase online visibility and drive traffic to Hansei’s website.
  • Public Relations: Hansei’s marketing team manages the company’s public image through media relations, press releases, events, and other PR activities to maintain our positive reputation.
  • Sales Support: We collaborate with the sales team to develop sales materials, presentations, and promotional offers to support sales efforts and drive revenue.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Our marketing team analyzes the performance of marketing campaigns using data analytics tools and provide reports to management on key metrics such as ROI, conversion rates, and customer acquisition costs.
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM): The ultimate goal of marketing is to engage customers. Our team uses CRM software to track customer interactions, manage leads, and implement customer retention strategies.


Hansei’s Approach to Marketing

Hansei’s marketing team consists of Patrick Dunn (Chief Strategy Officer), Carli Stump (Director of Brand Strategy),  and Jacy Bruck (Business Development Operations). Together, they are building Hansei’s brand – reaching customers, relaying the company’s message, and increasing relationships across the behavioral health industry. 

Meet Hansei’s Marketing Team

See how they describe Hansei’s approach to marketing.

“Strategic Partners for Growth” – that is the Hansei Marketing Team’s motto. From the beginning, the team acts as consultants in the behavioral health field. Knowing that the data they collect is the best of the best, they use it to show their expertise and promote the company’s services to enhance all levels of a treatment facility’s business.

Hansei is more than a billing company. The reason the company started was because leadership came from different backgrounds and could see where the cracks were in billing, insurance and compliance. The team came together to fill those cracks with solutions, be the middleman between providers and payers, and ultimately help make treatment more accessible for individuals and families, while also helping healthcare providers get paid for the work they do. 

How does Hansei’s marketing team describe what they do? Here is what they had to say:


Patrick Dunn

“When I started at Hansei in 2021, we had a very clear vision and plan. The Hansei product and technology were already the best around, and the internal culture was the best I had ever been a part of. So our plan was to expand the brand organically and show everyone what a rockstar organization we had. It was clear that we needed well-seasoned brand developers who would exhibit Hansei’s internal culture externally for everyone to experience.”

Carli Stump

Carli Stump

“Guided by our core values, our marketing approach is rooted in organic growth by fostering strong industry relationships. Much of our clientele stems from our reputation and connections within the behavioral healthcare industry. Because of that, our marketing approach focuses on enhancing those existing partnerships while simultaneously expanding our digital brand.”

Jacy Bruck

“Our marketing strategy is focused on cultivating organic growth through our industry partnerships. We prioritize building connections within the behavioral healthcare space over time, which forms the cornerstone of our clientele base and, most importantly, allows us to cultivate trust and credibility within the field as a whole. In addition to nurturing these relationships, we actively participate in thought leadership endeavors, such as hosting webinars and speaking engagements. By prioritizing these aspects, we aim to become trusted partners for growth even before securing someone’s business.”

Q& A with Hansei’s Marketing Team

What Interested You Most About Working at Hansei?  

Jacy: I was first drawn to Hansei because of its reputation and the great things I had heard about the company from the employees. After my first meeting with the leadership team, I felt confident that Hansei had a great culture and that this company was on the right track to thrive.      

Carli: What interested me most about working at Hansei was the alignment of its leadership, the company’s mission, and my personal beliefs with addiction and mental health recovery. ‘Hansei’ means reflecting on the past, learning from mistakes, and striving for a better future. That statement was preached to me when I interviewed with the company and is still instilled in every aspect of what we do today. I was also impressed by the emphasis leadership had placed on personal and professional growth, with a clear understanding that the company’s advancement is intricately linked to the development of its people.

What Do You Think Makes Hansei Different?

Patrick:  Hansei is a revenue cycle partner. We come from behavioral health, have worked in behavioral health, and understand the daily work. This knowledge has allowed us to create a product that solves problems and optimizes processes.

How Often Do You Work/Communicate with Our Partners and/or Other Departments?

Carli: Fostering strong communication and collaboration with our partners and across departments is key. We engage with our partners regularly, even involving them in marketing initiatives.  For instance, during months like Mental Health Month in May and National Recovery Month in September, we organize events such as the ‘Miles for Mental Health’ and ‘Miles for Recovery’ Challenge. These challenges serve not only to raise awareness but also to encourage our team and partners to advocate for these important causes.

Jacy: Daily! My role allows me to meet new partners and referral sources each week, and I get to speak with other departments in Hansei each day. It is a team effort!     

Any Goals or Visions You Have For Your Role and Hansei That Are on the Horizon That You Want to Share?

Patrick: It has been an amazing journey helping Hansei become the leader in the revenue cycle, and we aim to be the leader on the technology product side with Benji in the next few years.

Carli: One of the significant team wins is our recognition for ‘Campaign of the Year’ by Behavioral Health Business & Aging Media Network during National Recovery Month. This achievement truly highlights our dedication as industry trailblazers and the importance of advocating for our personal connections to the recovery journey. However, our success extends beyond this notable campaign. We’ve achieved significant milestones such as SB999, spearheading the Rehab Owners Community, and our partnership with The Trusted Provider Network. These accomplishments demonstrate our commitment to making a positive impact and serve as a testament to the collaborative spirit and dedication of our team at Hansei.


Hansei’s Marketing Team Commitment

Hansei’s marketing team’s commitment lies in aligning strategies with the company’s objectives, fostering customer-centric approaches, and driving innovation. They are dedicated to understanding consumer needs, utilizing data-driven insights, and crafting compelling campaigns. 

The marketing team collaborates across many departments ensuring maximum impact to audiences. Ultimately, the team’s dedication fuels brand growth, customer satisfaction, and long-term success.

Learn more about Hansei’s company culture here.