
Why SB-999 was Denied by Governor Gavin Newsom – And why we’re okay with it

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SB 999 Logo

After years of tracking, and after a winning legislative run, we were sure Governor Newsom would see the value in pushing Senate Bill 999 forward for implementation at the start of the new year.

Despite the rejection of SB-999, however, hope remains.


Key Takeaway

According to Governor Newsom, the bill is ‘premature’ as there are forthcoming regulations intended to enforce the sentiment of SB-855 which will require the use of unbiased mental health and substance use disorder clinical standards in coverage reviews, mandating the appropriate training and oversight of staff performing said reviews.


So, what’s next?

On November 8th, at 10 am (PST), the CDI will conduct a pre-notice public discussion surrounding the proposed regulations.

Join us and make your voice heard:

Register for the Webinar



Before you go

We’d like to specifically thank CA Senator Dave Cortese for championing efforts for behavioral and mental health parity.

While we don’t get to circulate a ‘WE WON’ article, we are optimistic the appropriate regulations will be made; sometimes all it takes is a shift in expectations.

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