
BHB & Aging Media Network Award: Erin Burke

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Hansei Solutions is proud to announce that our Founder and CEO, Erin Burke, was named a 2023 Future Leader by Behavioral Health Business and Aging Media Network, Inc. We’re always excited and proud to be a part of organizations that value and recognize the efforts to improve the behavioral, mental, and addiction health care space.

This brief article summarizes what the Future Leaders award means, why Erin Burke was nominated, and how this award represents the entire Hansei team.

Aging Media Network: Future Leaders Award

Each year, Behavioral Health Business showcases the most promising talents and leaders in the behavioral health and home care, hospice and palliative care, senior housing, and skilled nursing fields. These leaders must be 40 and under, exhibit exemplary strength, intuition, and perseverance under industry-specific challenges, and focus on improving patient experience and health outcomes.

erin burke: founder of hansei

Future Leaders are nominated by their peers. In the case of behavioral health, they’re recognized for helping patients obtain access to holistic, patient-centered care for mental health disorders, substance use disorders, and neurodevelopmental disorders that payers previously denied as “unnecessary” or “ineffective.” They’re also nominated for spearheading the transformation of one of the fastest-growing industries in health care, improving outcomes as demand increases across the country.

Erin Burke: Founder of Hansei Solutions

Here’s what Erin’s peers had to say about her.

“When she started Hansei, I always loved watching how she ran it. She was never vocal about the financial piece of her business. All of her talks were about the culture she was creating, the businesses she was helping, and the success she was finding through her unique creative abilities to find differentiators in the market. 

Erin has a reputation and is always trying her best to protect that and the culture she has created. I’ve watched her scale her business, go through growing pains, get married, have two kids, and maintain her serenity. Erin is a natural-born leader.” 

– Brandon Stump, Founder of The Ohio House and Buckeye Recovery Network.

“Not only has she grown Hansei’s revenue and expanded its reach across the country, but she has done so while maintaining positive relationships with her employees and customers. Of all my clients, I can’t think of one that has a higher employee and customer retention rate—Hansei still has many of the same employees and many of the same customers as when I met Erin over six years ago. I firmly believe that employee and customer retention reflects the health of a business, the values of its leadership, and that it begins at the top.” 

– Michael Soter, Esq., Law Offices of Michael A. Soter

Erin’s Interview With Behavioral Health Business

Here are some key points from Erin’s interview with Behavioral Health Business about her career and the future of Hansei Solutions and the behavioral health industry.

How do you feel about receiving the Future Leaders Award?

“Honored to be honored. As we pivot from a technology-enabled service company to a service-enabled technology company, I can confidently say that the best is yet to come.”

What’s your biggest lesson learned since starting to work in this industry?

“For us as a revenue cycle management company, sitting really at the top for behavioral health RCM, we’ve had to make some mistakes along the way in order to create successes. I would say just being in acceptance that mistakes are going to happen. The most important thing is you learn from them and keep moving forward.”


Behavioral Health Business presented the Future Leaders Class of 2023 for the behavioral health space at the Invest Conference.  

If you could change one thing with an eye toward the future of behavioral health, what would it be?

“There is a lack of sophistication and being able to measure outcomes in our business. I would like to see some standardization for outcome measures and then utilize that data to help move the needle toward delivering better care. And then having that better care reimbursed fairly by the payers.”

In a word, how would you describe the future of behavioral health?

“Evolving. I think that it’s an area where we’re constantly learning. We’re only just scratching the surface of the types of treatments that work well, that are effective for behavioral populations.”

Read more about Erin: Celebrating 7 Years: Leadership From A Female Founders Perspective

Diverse Leadership At Hansei Solutions

The Future Leaders award reflects the entire Hansei Solutions team, highlighting our company goals and diverse leadership. A noteworthy aspect is the makeup of our team, with 86% of our employees being women and 62% being mothers. Each team member values qualities like compassion, patience, and a strong commitment to enhancing addiction and mental health treatment.

Our commitment to thought leadership isn’t limited to individuals; it permeates our entire organization. We champion diversity, empower our workforce, and cultivate an inclusive and encouraging work environment. This approach cultivates an atmosphere where creative ideas and innovative strategies can thrive.

Read more: Women Leaders At Hansei Solutions

Contact Hansei Solutions

Hansei Solutions is a dynamic leader in full-service RCM specializing in behavioral health, growing at an impressive 30% year-over-year rate. With a footprint across 22 states, we offer comprehensive support to over 100 non-hospital clients, providing wrap-around financial management and immersive SOP implementation, ensuring seamless operations and enhanced performance.

But our impact continues beyond there. Our consulting services encompass a range of strategic essentials, including M&A deal advisory, socioeconomic impact analyses, strategic growth contract guidance, and regional benchmark reviews. At Hansei, we also believe in the power of responsible business practices. By utilizing ESG criteria (environmental, social, and governance), along with innovative tools like Benji, Power BI, predictive analytics, machine learning, rules engines, and AI, we’re pioneering a new era in healthcare management.

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