
In The Know

What Is Revenue Cycle Management & Why Does It Matter?

When it comes to having a successful medical practice, there are a lot of elements to consider and Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) is one of the most critical. At Hansei we enable healthcare providers to receive prompt payment for the services that they provide.

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The Employees Have Spoken Hansei – A Great Place to Work

Hansei - to reflect on the past, learn from mistakes, and commit to doing better in the future. Sometimes a company name is just that, but with Hansei, it perfectly summarizes the company’s mission, and now, we have the data to back it up.

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Why SB-999 was Denied by Governor Gavin Newsom – And why we’re okay with it

After years of tracking, and after a winning legislative run, we were sure Governor Newsom would see the value in pushing Senate Bill 999 forward for implementation at the start of the new year. Despite the rejection of SB-999, however, hope remains.

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The Top 3 Ways We Save Time Through Technology – And Why Data Matters

With innovative technology solutions, gone are the days spent mailing paper claims, notating printed agings, and attempting to decipher those handwritten medical records. In recognizing the substantial benefits of these advancements, Hansei continues to prioritize effective improvements in this modern world.

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The Basics of Compliance and How It Affects You

We have received many inquiries on the appropriateness of various Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System/Current Procedural Terminology Codes (HCPCS/CPT Codes) for different levels of care.

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