
In The Know

Understanding The Mental Health Crisis In America: Hansei’s Mission

The relevance and influence of mental health on American society are multifaceted. In recent years, there has been a noticeable increase in the need to address mental health difficulties, as evidenced by the shocking statistics that show the severity of the situation. 

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How Upcoding & Unbundling Affects Your Practice & Patients

Upcoding is a serious and fraudulent practice that can cost healthcare providers their licenses, practices, and relationships with patients, payers, and communities. While upcoding isn't something done by respectable medical providers, it's still prevalent in the healthcare marketplace and deserves some spotlight.

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Outstanding Accounts Receivable In Healthcare: Challenges & Improvements

Effectively managing and decreasing outstanding accounts receivable in your healthcare practice might seem challenging, especially without prior experience or a dedicated revenue cycle team. Many healthcare practices focus on patient care daily, and keeping track of services for reimbursement can become an oversight until it overwhelms your office.

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Provider Contracting: Importance, Process, & 5 Negotiation Tactics

If your medical practice isn't familiar with provider contracting, this is the article for you. Some doctors and practices are cash-only, but these are rare, and most patients want to use their health insurance plan and avoid paying out-of-pocket for basic check-ups or long-term treatment plans.

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World Mental Health Day 2023 With Hansei Solutions

Hansei Solutions takes pride in our work to help addiction, mental health, and dual diagnosis treatment centers grow and reach more people needing essential healthcare services. And we always take the opportunity to highlight upcoming events and days that promote mental health education, awareness, and advocacy against social stigma.

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